July 20th, 1969, marks the day mankind walked on the moon for the first time. Practice answering the questions below to solidify the information into your long term memory system:
Who was the first person to step on the Moon?
Who was the 2nd person to step on the Moon?
Which American President was in office at that time?
What was the name of the spaceflight that landed these 2 humans on the moon?
What date did mankind first step on the moon?
Nice work! Every time you practice recalling these facts the longer they will remain in your long term memory. To avoid forgetting these, come back another day to answer these questions again, but not too soon. The longer you wait between revisions, the more cemented the information becomes in your brain. It is best to practice recalling information just before you are about to forget it again.
Learn more about this historic day on Nasa.gov
Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the Moon.
Buzz Aldrin was the 2nd person to step on the Moon.
Richard Nixon was president.
Apollo 11 was the name of the spaceflight & lunar mission.
July 20th, 1969